
Person responsible for the website content, as per Section 18 (2) of the State Treaty for Electronic Media  (MStV)

rb omnichannel GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 26
D-25336 Elmshorn
Telephone +49 4121 6460410

Managing Director: Diana Bühler

HRB 12911 PI

Registry court: Pinneberg District Court

VAT ID no. DE309943137

Disclaimer for the website

rb omnichannel GmbH strives to provide a website that is always current, correct in its content, and complete. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely ruled out.

rb omnichannel GmbH gives no assurance that the information provided on this website is up to date, correct or complete, and assumes no liability in this regard, unless the error was included intentionally or due to gross negligence. This applies to possible material or immaterial damages of third parties caused by using this website.


The layout of the homepage, the graphics and images used, and the content in its entirety as well individual pieces are protected by copyright.

rb omnichannel GmbH reserves all rights, including rights to photomechanical reproduction, duplication and distribution via special methods (e.g., data processing, data carriers and data networks), in whole and in part.

External references and links

In its judgement of 12thMay 1998, Hamburg District Court ruled that anyone providing a link may be held jointly responsible for the contents of the linked page. According to the court, this can only be prevented if website operators expressly dissociate themselves from any such content.

These pages contain links to other pages on the Internet over whose content and over the updating of which rb omnichannel GmbH has no control. The following applies for all these links:

"rb omnichannel GmbH has no influence on the design and content of external websites. rb omnichannel GmbH therefore distances itself from all external content, even if rb omnichannel GmbH has placed a link to these external sites."

This declaration applies to all links displayed on our homepage and to all content of all pages that are linked to by banners and links published by us.